Are you Truly awake As you think you might be? Not like all those other sleepers Those sheep. But we Don’t empty ourselves just to be Filled up and controlled by Things that wish to Hurt us. When you Clear out your head, Open windows and doors, Watchers on the outside rejoice, Waiting For you To invite them in and take space. More now, worse than before, And these tenants Hate you.
- Alexander
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I think I am.
I don't encounter HATRED from the normies so much as uneasy toleration and incomprehension. I'm an infantry veteran who's moved around, worked a lot of jobs, in recovery, lived in my car for awhile... you get the idea. I feel liberated by the lessons I've learned and the habits I've developed. I feel truly confident and at peace most of every day. I go to the beach most mornings to meditate. I go to a local Hindu Temple or to church on the weekends. I try to dedicate my free time to reading and writing and volunteering at a nursing home and doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I have many friends and am now stable financially. I think that I am truly awake, although it's never a final destination- more like a lifetime process.
Then I go on Hinge (a dating app) to interact with women (mostly) in their 30's and I feel like I've come from another planet (or they have). I get matches and dates and I can't complain but the whole process is very lonely. There are millions of people in my country who are basically closed to me in any meaningful way by my experiences (and theirs). I don't encounter hatred, but I don't encounter much understanding either.
Matthew 12:43-45