That last stanza is just *chef's kiss* good. Love it

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Thank you!

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Coulda, shoulda, woulda.

Perhaps I should've been a bug. Alas, I came out as a man, so as a man I must live.

(Or as three goblins in a trench coat. That's pretty close, too.)

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Three goblins in a trench coat is arguably better than three orcs. Just saying.

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Dude. Bleak!

The voice that says you should have been a bug is the ENEMY.

Don't lose sight of that.

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Yes exactly. You get the point of this one. Not surprised that you do.

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A voice to counter the voice that says you are a bug!


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Yes! The ONLY antidote to this world.

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The comma after "bug" on the last stanza did it for me. Not really a poetry guy, but this was nice.

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I’m glad you enjoyed it man. Thank you.

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I thought you were quitting substack?

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