I’ve made the point before - art is about choice. People editing prompts are patrons. Yeah, in the end people may not care unless they want something unique, because of the bland sameness of much of it. Hands are being fixed, but the lighting, etc is subtly ... off. People curating the results of agi prompts are basically like home designers at best picking and choosing for aesthetic coherence is important, or else mix tapes would never have been a thing, or the art of DJing, but it still not creating the original art.

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Right on. So far, I haven't seen people using AI tools calling themselves "artists," but the time will come.

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Utilitarians gonna "util". Silicon Valley is just about nothing but Utilitarians and Mammon Worshipers at this point.

AI art programs and ChatGPT can be another tool in the toolbox for artists, and I think all artists should at least investigate AI art to understand what it is and what it is not. What can it do, and what can it not do.

I'm not afraid of AI taking away jobs as much as I am of the bugmen making CS Lewis's NICE organization and worshiping The Head. That is where the demons live.

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I’ve kind of come around to your point of view. I am not ready to use it yet but I get why artist might.

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Art has already been reduced to a commodity. From NFTs to the new system of art auctioning to companies calling it "content."

The people who think art is a commodity are the same people using AI and entering generated images into art contests; making AI-generated images for comics; etc. These are soulless people who don't understand the value of being human.

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deletedDec 2, 2023Liked by Alexander Hellene
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Jim, thanks for the comment!

I think that yes, the beast system is coming, but we have hope: the people in charge are so dumb, they’ll make some sort miscalculation that’ll be their undoing. These people are lame, stupid, and unimaginative. That’s our saving grace. We keep pushing and they keep being idiots.

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deletedDec 2, 2023Liked by Alexander Hellene
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The stupidity of the ruling elite is what’s going to make us able to win. Because we will win.

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