Apr 17Liked by Alexander Hellene

We are definitely devolving spiritually at the moment. When I despair at this condition, I usually end up thinking about ancient Israel as described in the books of Kings and Chronicles and for how long their societies had to swing between being ruled over by good and bad kings. It seems like we are just going to have to figure out how to endure these kinds of wider pendulum swings between societal devolution and revival for the foreseeable future. Offering an alternative stability amidst the chaos. As Christian’s our role is nicely stated in the Bible as Ambassadors of Christ, in the Ministry of Reconciliation. Earth is not our kingdom. We are just passing through.

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It definitely helps to take a long view of things.

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Apr 18Liked by Alexander Hellene

It’s easy to get sucked in and focused on the outrage of the day and despair at what seems like a losing battle. As soon as we realize God is truly in control, we can shed our worry, and redirect our hope toward Him, and away from the turmoil around us. It’s a daily battle because I’ve got to work on shedding a lot of bad mental habits. Prayer and gratitude help a lot.

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Apr 26Liked by Alexander Hellene

A friend, a 30 year Hindu convert, was falling apart. Terrible bad luck coupled with stupid decision making on his part, led him to a black night of despair. He never prayed and he said if he considered it it would be to Shiva, or his Guru. He hit bottom and literally fell to his knees and begged JESUS for help. He said he had no idea where that came from. He felt real peace. And within two hours major problems began being solved. One thing about conversion to Christianity it can be very sudden, with instant effects. I have never heard this about any other religion.

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Come to think of it, I haven't heard about this from any other religion either. It very well could be because I don't talk to enough people, but there may be another reason as well . . .

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22Liked by Alexander Hellene

I'm optimistic, but mostly not due to reasons that most would describe as logical or rational, although by my own standards I do think there's a certain logic to them, since I don't believe that logic and reason are mutually exclusive with faith.

There have been in my life many instances of what I believe to be Divine Providence, usually in the form of what many would write off as "coincidence" or "luck." But when certain events with complex moving parts repeatedly fall into place perfectly in ways that are mathematically implausible over and over again in one's life, it's hard not to see a pattern.

Furthermore, in certain situations in which I was overwhelmed by grief and/or dread, I prayed (somewhat after the fashion of Gideon) for signs from God to let me know what to believe and how to proceed as regards coming events, and in some of these situations I received what I believe to be signs, which appeared in uncanny, statistically unlikely forms, often similar to what Jung would call synchronicity*. In retrospect, the events where I received what I believe to be a sign were the ones where I really needed it and couldn't have made it without one. In instances where I wanted a sign but didn't need one, I didn't get one. Or so it seems to me.

Some of these (I believe) signs pertained to my personal life. One of these was a major one I received last year during a particular miserable ordeal, indicating that a particular very specific set of needs for me and my family would be met. This indeed came true a few months later despite seeming nearly impossible by Earthly standards. And in the end, it wouldn't have happened had I not acted on faith that the sign was true and God would fulfill it (despite the fact that at the time, it looked from a naturalistic perspective like everything that could go wrong was going wrong). The ordeal increased my faith unlike anything before ever has.

Others pertain to prayers for a sign regarding the fate of this country and vast swaths of humanity. And the (I believe) signs that I received in those instances have filled me with a level of optimism, hope, and faith that God is bringing about major changes for the better that I didn't even have before the current dark times. On a sobering note, if they are indeed true signs, they also indicate that God was very close to passing judgment on America but we were spared at the last moment because He found something specific here that He didn't find in ancient Israel in the times that He passed judgment on it.

I also see patterns in current events that are "too good to be true" and statistically improbable if not impossible, in ways that mirror the providential events in my own life.

None of this is to say that there won't be hard times and battles to be fought, or that it will all be easy. But I do believe that victory, a new Great Awakening, and a mass exposure of evil are assured.

I've also seen that other people have been experiencing something similar. Sarah A. Hoyt wrote this recently in a blog post:

"I had a — not a vision — but a strong feeling; I was vouchsafed a certainty that America comes out the other end of this as America, and closer to what it was meant to be than it was in 2019. Now, like all woo woo, this might be all in my head and wishful thinking, but it was given unasked, before I knew there was any reason to ask. As it turned out, it came to me in the very last day before lockdown, in Colorado."

And in the comments, she followed it up with this:

"I was vouchsafed my assurance during holy service, which I decided to attend out of the blue at 7 am in the morning the day before the lockdowns I didn’t know were coming. even though the drive to church involved a confusing three way intersection and I’m practically phobic about driving.

I decided I had to go, got up, got dressed and drove out before Dan woke. In fact, he he woke up as I came back in.

This was very unusual. I haven’t done week day services since we lived three blocks from church in downtown Colorado Springs and sons lived at home and often wanted to go, so I went with.

BUT I woke up with an overwhelming need that brooked no dissension. And then while praying I was vouchsafed this certainty.

I’ll point out I’d have appreciated a heads up over having to leave Colorado, where to look for a place, etc. etc.

I’ll also add our new place is so unlikely to be safe as to be laughable, but we were UNQUESTIONINGLY led here, also. (As in, all other avenues were blocked.)

So, either we’re meant to be here to be safe, or to…. well, light a fire they will see through the ages.

I guess I’ll find out."


* I think there's definitely something to synchronicity in some way or another, but not necessarily in the way that Jung believed it. I think a lot of it is signs from God, although not necessarily all of it. Some synchronicities seem to be divine in origin, while others seem sinister. The two are very different in nature. And then there are some that are just plain mysterious and odd, although I've heard an interesting theory that these are God's way of getting our attention to be on the lookout for an important sign soon. Suffice it to say that when you start to pay attention to patterns in life and become open to the idea that not all coincidences are coincidences, the world no longer seems like a strictly material place and events no longer appear to be caused only by human choice and the laws of nature.

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I have to say I agree with you completely. Hardwicke. I've had similar experiences like both yours and Sarah's before. The key point is that we listen to whatever it is calling to us and pulling us in a certain direction. And I am 100 percent with this being illogical and irrational, although I think it's more a situation where we just don't understand it, and call it illogical or irrational by OUR standards.

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Apr 22Liked by Alexander Hellene

One thing that I forgot to mention is that I also believe that certain bad things like the Coronavirus debacle and the stolen election have been allowed to happen in order to bring about a mass exposure of the evil infecting our institutions. The evil has been there for a long time, but was hidden under the surface. It needed to burst through into plain sight so that everyone could see it, like a hidden cyst popping through the skin and the pus oozing out. It's painful, but necessary in order for enough people to become as awake as they need to be.

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What about those who still refuse to see it though? I know a certain number of people will always resist what is in front of them, but it's still hard not to be concerned.

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May 1Liked by Alexander Hellene

There will likely always be some who refuse to see the truth, which is why I specified "enough people to become as awake as they need to be" rather than everyone being fully awake.

I think that the majority of the population is semi-awake already, and that this awakening will increase (both in the degree of wakefulness and in the number of those awake) as establishment narratives continue to collapse.

Anyone who refuses to ever see the truth will likely be in for a miserable time. They may just have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into a better future that they are doomed to forever see as a dystopia due to their delusions. "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

I think the ones who will hold on to their delusions the most forcefully are those who are the most invested in seeing themselves as righteous and everyone who doesn't agree with them as a Nazi. For them to accept they were (to use a phrase they like to use) "on the wrong side of history" would be such a massive psychological blow that some may refuse to ever accept it. However, I think that even some of them will eventually be unable to deny what's in front of their eyes any longer.

I hope that many of them wind up having an epiphany like Tim Robbins did. If you haven't read Matt Taibbi's interview of Robbins, I'd highly recommend it. Robbins used to be a typical Hollywood NPC on board with vaccine mandates, cancel culture, etc, but then realized that this was hypocritical and immoral. And most importantly, he fully came clean. He admitted that he was wrong, without making any excuses or trying to pull the "mistakes were made on both sides" cop-out.

That's not to say that he's fully awake; he still buys into a lot of falsehoods, but the fact that he was able to wake up even to this degree and then have the humility to admit that he had been wrong (and to even campaign against positions like vaccine mandates that he had formerly been in favor of) shows that there's probably hope for him to wake up even more in time. And hopefully many more like him will follow.

Here's part of the interview:

"Matt Taibbi: You feel something important has been lost in the last few years. Can you elaborate?

Tim Robbins: These last few years, they’ve taught me so much, about what is right, what is wrong. There’s so much empowerment of people that feel that they are being incredibly virtuous and generous, yet are doing things that are not very kind to other people. I think we’ve lost ourselves during this time. Just a brief stroll through social media and you’ll find that out. (laughs) The internet has become like a bar that you go to, and you open the door, and everyone yells, “Fuck you! Get out!”

Matt Taibbi: (laughs) I’m vaguely familiar…

Tim Robbins: It’s amazing. It’s taught me a lot about human nature, about how easy it is for people to turn on other people, and that when people do things that are destructive to other people, they often think they’re being virtuous. It’s been that way throughout history.

That’s something I already knew as a writer. When you’re making a character, you try not to make it all black and white, good and evil. I really understood much more profoundly what happens with the turn, how people turn. You go from someone that is inclusive, altruistic, generous, empathetic, to a monster. Where you want to freeze people’s bank accounts because they disagree with you. That’s a dangerous thing. That’s a dangerous world that we’ve created. And I say ‘we,’ because I was part of that. I bought into that whole idea early on."


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Interesting! Of all the people to sound rational and not like a blind ideologue, Tim Robbins was not on my list. I’ll have to check out that interview.

Otherwise, you’re right. People need to come to the truth themselves or else they’ll have to be dragged along.

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Apr 17Liked by Alexander Hellene

Alexander, Over at Twitter Pascal Emmauel Gobry made an interesting observation during this Easter. In France, 20% of the new coverts are ex-Moslems. I posted back that it would be interesting to know the ethnic background. Also, on Twitter, a lot of the mutuals mentioned a similar phenomenon of large number of converts in their parishes. So one conclusion, those who stay, want to; those who convert, it's after reading, or after experiencing a spiritual awakening.

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That is good news, particularly the first bit you shared. Will it be enough to save France? No one knows but that’s still encouraging.

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Apr 18Liked by Alexander Hellene

Well mustard seeds. That's the way I look at it

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Liked by Alexander Hellene

I didn´t know that Living Color had any other songs apart from "Cult of Personality"...which is awesome.

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They are a criminally underrated band. If they came out now, they’d be far more successful.

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Apr 17Liked by Alexander Hellene

I have that album and just about every song is awesome. My favourites are Release the pressure and Sacred ground.

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They are great musicians and wrote killer tunes. Vernon Reid is one of the best rock guitarists of all time.

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Apr 18Liked by Alexander Hellene


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Apr 26Liked by Alexander Hellene

NS Lyons point about being so removed from a true experience of the world that materialism is separating the masses from seeing God is one of the central points of Christendom’s fall the last 300 years. Even 100 years ago, the majority of people were not urban and obviously couldnt have been persuaded into atheism since its so clearly false (Romans 1).

But my logic is that living most of your life in a man-made environment makes it easy to dismiss the God-made reality of the universe. Im separated from Creation by four sterile white drywall walls, staring at a screen. Its an illusion. An idol, a distraction, an anesthesia, an enchantment, and a lie. Isaiah 44:20 “Is not this thing in my right hand a lie?”

Hardship is necessary to shake people from the blue light stupor we’re stuck in. Why do Christians fast? Bc its easier to forget about God when we’re fat and happy. A growling stomach is a reminder to pray.

Well the US is gonna have a lot more growling stomachs in the coming years. A lot more wars and rumors of wars. Low level violence and civil strife and infrastructural collapse and community fracture. The reassertion of reality as the overly-complex civilization sputters will hopefully serve as a wake up call to repent and believe.

On to the second point: Dark Re-enchantment. Demonic spirits and woodland fairy devils and witches and soul sucking skinwalkers and all this kind of stuff is literally factually true, but it has been purged and cleansed by Christ’s kingdom of light colonizing North America.

The repaganization of America is not a matter of people fake worshipping Thor or whatever. Its the Kingdom of Light receding to little well lit enclaves as the forces of darkness that were previously subdued by Godly pioneers sweep back across the country and engulf entire states. Demonic influence is going to increase in every mode of expression from quiet depression, to literal throwing children across the room on camera convulsing possessions.

I think the return of demonic spirits influence on everyday life will also serve to break the spell of materialism, even tho the satanic regime will try to uphold their facile psuedo-atheism and say the demons arent real just keep watching Netflix.

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I concur that being a "modern" cuts us off from creation. For all of the benefits, there are costs that nobody either took into account, or cared about. Maybe these costs were part of the point to begin with. I don't know. I do know that things just cannot go on as they are indefinitely, and that hardship is coming. Good things can come from bad. Everything is cyclical, and all things pass, the bad as well as the good. There really is no need to despair.

Regarding demonic influence and things like that: evil exists and it is out to get us. Many people think the "problem of evil" has been solved or whatever, or can be solvable to begin with, but I think they will soon run out of solutions to keep ineffectually trying and eventually turn to the light as their only way out. And they'll be right.

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Apr 26Liked by Alexander Hellene

But he didn’t become Christian weirdly. He had one or two other experiences praying. With instant results but didn’t convert back.

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That's very weird. I don't even know what to say about that.

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This was an interesting article, and a very thought-provoking one. I do wonder hope that my French brothers return to the faith of their ancestors, and have some hope for that.

As to the silver-lining at the end, I guess that's one way of looking at things. I wonder what you would make of Korea, China & Japan that are becoming increasingly Catholic/Christian Alexander? I find this an interesting shift in their societies (I've been reading their statistics on this front). And so am wondering if we might see a 'satanic America' as you put it, and a 'Christian Asia' in our lifetimes. That said, I would ask again what your view is on us 'Celts' (French, Irish & Scots), and whether you think there'll be a chance of us returning to Christianity?

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I’m glad you enjoyed the piece. As to your questions, I am not good at the prediction game. I’d have more faith in the Celtic peoples rediscovering the faith if their fathers than I do East Asians. The Chinese are going to do their thing, Christianity bounces off the Japanese, and I don’t think there’ll be any Koreans before too long. But you never know.

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Apr 17Liked by Alexander Hellene

This piece comes to mind.


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I couldn’t read the whole thing but from what I read it seems spot on.

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Very prescient. The House passed the bill outlawing Christendom and enshrining the Synagogue of Satan as a national treasure just in time for the service describing Judas' betrayal of Christ. They know.

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Europe will go Islamic. Look at who are flooding in. The US? Who knows. Depends what the ZOG decides to do.

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deletedApr 17Liked by Alexander Hellene
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I appreciate it Misha! This is definitely a trying time but we as a spiritual community have been through worse, though this is bad in a different way than being violent. The battle is against apathy and spiritual deadness. The violence will likely come later.

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