Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023Liked by Alexander Hellene

I've heard the aspersion that blocking people is a declaration that you fear them. Somehow. Like that line from game of thrones about cutting out tongues, or whatever. But, in truth, I think it's more like taking out trash. No one is scared of the trash - they just don't want it sitting there making the kitchen smell bad. I have a feeling I know exactly why blocking became such a taboo thing to do on social media and I think it has a lot to do with the gradual erosion of privacy and this tacit expectation that every part of everyone should be available to the public at any given time. The loss of privacy and private spaces, as well as the blending of offline and online personas, have been nothing short of catastrophic for society.

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That’s a good theory about it and one I see a lot of merit in. I always chalked it up to “I’m more free speech than you are!” posturing. It’s most likely a combination of things.

Regardless, blocking is healthy!

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Occasionally I will choose to ignore or humiliate and let the truth fight for itself, but anyone buzzing around my head who is dumb enough to actually be a Nazi in 2024 I can block with glee. The people who want total control aren't really worried about themselves. They're worried that others might agree with the people they disagree with, and so they have to maintain the illusion of being in the majority.

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Well said! I think you nailed it. The definition of “Nazi” is also ever-expanding, until it encompasses MAGA grannies, leftists who are mildly in favor of border control, and the anti-war movement. Oh wait…

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They're really wringing every last drop they can out of this Nazi bogeyman. Of course we all hate Nazis, we're Americans. But we're at the point where they've used so much doublespeak that disaffected boys say, "Screw it, guess I'm a Nazi then." It'll be time for a new tactic soon.

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That’s part of the danger. The immediate concern is what we’ve seen before: it starts with “Ban Nazis!” and then “Nazi” turns into “fascist,” “racist,” etc., meaning “people we don’t like.”

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You wouldn’t indulge these idiots if they spoke to you this way in real life, why do so online? Put best in my opinion by the great Mike Tyson:

“Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”

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That is perfect. Also, if you can stand the sight of the bad word, rapper Tyler, the Creator (who is hardly any paragon of virtue) has an old tweet to similar effect that you might want to look up (search “Tyler, the Creator” and “cyberbullying.”

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Incredibly well written piece and absolutely hilarious title. Listen man, I grew up in a communist country. Alot of my friends did too. We know the horrors of censorship. The sad part is, the same way they convinced the populace to other people back then, is the same way they're doing it now. Deus Block-ing their way into communism.

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I’m glad you liked the piece. The intent of my argument is that individuals can decide what they do and don’t want to hear. I do not trust the people urging tech companies to wield the banhammer any more than I do the government, nor do I trust the tech companies, or banks, or anyone else in the corporate world either.

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I couldn't agree more brother. Opening that Pandora's box of banning, cancelling etc, is an all consuming monster, and will inevitably consume them too, they are simply to involved in their emotions to see it

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Alexander Hellene

Great point all around. It's nice knowing not everyone has read "Manicheanism for Dummies."

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I thought that one wasn’t coming out until next year!

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Alexander Hellene

Where you been, bro? Lol.

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Consider whether your interlocutor will be receptive to your argument and actually change their mind. Since this is the Internet, the likelihood of that occurring is, as we say in my profession, "a vanishingly small probability". That means these useless oafs are nothing but a drain on your valuable time.

Got time to waste? Fine. Have fun tilting at your Windmill of Dumb who's blowing hot gases at you.

Most of us don't have enough to spare.

Be a "block and forget" weapon against stupid.

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Absolutely! Someone coming at you in bad faith? Block. It’s not even worth trying to find “common ground.” How can you find any common ground with someone like that? Why would you try? Just block!

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Excellent piece all around. I constantly remind people, also, that long before Trump, there was “Nazi” Romney and “Racist” John McCain (who the left then canonized at death as a PR move).

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It’s so performative and cynical by the actual impotent people, but their rank-and-file swallow it wholeheartedly. The NPC meme stings people like that for a reason.

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Just looked it up. Maybe not the most artful way of putting it, but hilarious and absolutely true.

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100 percent.

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Tell ‘em!

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Consider ‘em told!

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Thank you for reminding me not to be a pushover with this stuff.

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Of course. Blocking is not being a pushover. It’s asserting your sovereignty over your own space.

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I really wish I had read this piece earlier; it would have saved me quite a bit of grief these last couple of days. You make a beautifully cogent argument for the use of Substack's blocking function, one I never myself considered previously.

In deep seriousness I say, thank you. I suspect you're saving me a lot of headache down the road

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I hope so! Toxic people don’t deserve your time and attention. It’s not whether they disagree with you; it’s whether they’re disagreeable.

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I cosign this 100%. This is the way.

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It truly is.

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Thanks for reposting this. You just got him another subscriber.

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