Man . I may have to consolidate a few of my posts from the past that are relevant.

From : https://thelastredoubt.com/how-about-we-dont/


That tweet is an example of the valuation of the nice above the good. How dare you raise a fuss and get angry at being abused, cheated, or hurt? Can't you see you're upsetting people?

"Rise above it."

By allowing yourself and others to be cheated and bullied, you are not rising above it: you simply have the opportunity to paint cowardice with a coat of supposed virtue. You are allowing evil to propogate.

It may not always be the place and the time to take to the streets - especially in places like Portland where Antifa is on their home turf with amenable authority - but don't pretend that you're "rising above it" or practicing, potentially, any virtues but prudence and patience.


It also references an older post on the golden rule in general, much of them tangential to the question of how you deal with arguments and altercations between nations.

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Thanks for the link!

If this post gave the impression that I counsel not fighting back, then that is an error on my part. I firmly believe you should retaliate, and most often retaliate in kind using the methods your opponent uses on you. But I'm less interested in that aspect than I am in the aspect of when a person, organization, nation, realizes that they actually screwed up, it'd be beneficial to back down (for example, maybe withdrawing form a foreign war you rammed yourself into for no good reason will save your troops' lives, and those of civilians caught in the crossfire, but doing so looks "weak," so you continue tossing soldiers into the meat grinder--but that never happens, right?). Or backing down, changing course, etc. could save you tons of money or something like that.

Refusing to ever fight back and taking the "high road" when it comes to things like that isn't what I'm lamenting the loss of. I'm lamenting the loss of, not the ability, but the conditions which allow for, intelligent reassessment of certain courses of action.

I also think that the people howling for blood on the Internet aren't just harmless keyboard warriors: their thoughts will become actions soon enough. And when they do, we all damn well better not just "rise above" and refuse to fight back.

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