I'm currently reading Tom Holland's "Dominion" about the influence of Christianity on the Western World. His theory is that Christianity is the Western World, even the modern secular world is fully Christian, a fascinating read. One part that really stood out was the pre Christian idea of sex. The Romans basically believed that if it had a hole and was lower status than you, you could fuck it. It wasn't until Paul spreading the doctrine that all humans are equal and have divinely created souls with free will that ideas of respecting body autonomy came about. A non Christian world is one where the strong rape the weak, we see that in modern non Christian lands where women aren't safe to ride buses in India and goats aren't safe to graze in Afghanistan.

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I'm also reading this book. Great read and filled with enlightening information

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He really writes so well.

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Coincidentally, I’m reading Holland’s book Persian Fire about the Greco-Persian wars. Great writer!

His premise is interesting but I mean the West is Christian in name only at this point. We have the trappings and the cultural and moral legacies, but no understanding of them or how they work or the ideas of repentance, forgiveness, and redemption which are required for it all to work...along with belief in the triune God: God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. So the west being Christian by default is just there to fill space as the accretions of secularism and the resurgence of those old pagan beliefs you mention inexorably return.

The default is what you describe and that’s what we’re returning to. Our Christianity cargo cult expects western civilization to function as it used to when Christendom was a thing because it always had in the past and for no other reason.

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"You can move wherever you want, right? Need a job that’s in, I don’t know, Korea? Move to Korea."

I feel attacked.

Lol good post though. I love the idea that character flaws as a convention of storytelling is there as a way to *teach*.

Also- "seek frontiers that allow you live in accordance with immutable standards and reject those that encourage you to give in to your animal passions. "

Really needed to read this today. Thanks

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I’m glad you liked it. It’s strange that the only permissible frontiers and freedoms involve bizarre sexual lifestyle choices and substance abuse and little else.

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