Damn. Best essay I've read since my book on Chesterton.

Two points really stick out:

Envy is the coin of the realm in the modern West.

(Love this, we'll written, concise, and pithy.)

Politics is downstream from culture, sure, but culture is downstream from power.

(This is too true. And I'm sure this is going to impact the lens through which I view things. Again, very well written)

One point of contention:

I think that the people who tweet this nonsense don't actually care about the truth, only the clout. I think they only half believe what they are saying. I think they are slaves to a system that praises victim hood.

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I appreciate the kind words, but my name should never be mentioned with Chesterton’s.

Your point of contention makes sense. Clout-chasing is all the rage. This individual might think, to the degree that they think at all, that her take makes her smart and sophisticated, but it really highlights petty racial grievance and resentment. Which is really the American way so we’d all better get used to it.

People like this are WILLING slaves to a system that praises victimhood, because victimhood is so rightly rewarded as long as the supposed oppressors are members of the one group you’re still allowed to actively want to genocide.

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