I hear you so hard. I took a break from posting and using Notes because of my financial situation. I do not have enough paid subscribers to justify a continuation of using Substack until my personal situation improves.

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I do hope the situation improves for you Rachel, whatever it is. Take care of the important stuff first.

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It is frustrating because I feel that what you and Alexander share needs to be disseminated. And people are so sparse to show the smallest amount of support. I don't have any paid subscribers, I do not mind but I post very haphazardly. More so because I am so exhausted by the current status quo.

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I appreciate that Chris, and I do enjoy your posts.

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I loathe the fact that, to really make people pay up, it appears that you have to paywall something.

I have nothing I want to paywall at this point, but if I wanted to make a living from my writing, I' d have to.

It is worth wondering why writers in magazines expected to get paid, but we don't.

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“It is worth wondering why writers in magazine expected to get paid, but we don’t.”

Sadly, I think we’ve internalized the idea that writing isn’t a “real” job, should be free because it’s “easy” to do, and therefore nobody should think they can earn a living doing it.

Also, the publishing world is full of people at the levers of power who know each other pushing a common message. We, alas, are not.

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023Liked by Alexander Hellene

I mean, I get it. No one wants to pay up for something that's pro-bono. And it's not like Substack is a charity either.

Personally as a consumer, I'm not too hot on the paywall system. I'd feel more comfortable paying if I have something concrete to show for it (like an actual magazine). But it is what it is.

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Great point. Physical product you can actually hold! It’s the wave of the future!

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This is the way. It honestly reminds me of the neo-patronage model that Brian Niemeier have been talking about.

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Brian is a master at that. He reinvests what he gets into his writing and he’s built a fan base around his stuff. I thought the Soul Cycle was great, and while I liked the first XSeed book, mecha isn’t my thing. But that’s what really catapulted him into the big leagues and he’s as enthusiastic about it as his fans, so there you go. He’s shown a viable model.

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Glad you added the option.

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Thanks man. It was either this or something like Ko-Fi, which I still might do for one-off sorts of things. We’ll see.

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