Jul 16Liked by Alexander Hellene

Yeah, anyone who thinks "they'll" be the ones in control after "the end arrives" are absolutely high on their own supply. No one knows what the future holds, and that presumption of victory is almost always the insurance that it shall never come to pass.

I think that's why I write something like 365 INFANTRY the way I do: with hope. Obviously, the wolves and the SatAM action pitch it as a fantasy-land version of dystopian fiction, but it still has post-apocalyptic scenarios, a giant cyberpunk megacity in the thrall of a sentient computer network. It is written with all the trimmings and trappings, but there are also loving families, noble warriors, a roaring comradery amongst our freedom fighters. It's not particularly realistic, but then it was never meant to be, but it overall is about those thriving in the face of the dire circumstances, and those working to improve those circumstances for everyone's betterment. We need more fiction that rebuilds from the ashes of a dystopia, more that doesn't wallow in "the end" and gives up thereafter.

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Dystopian fiction has sort of run its course. I say “sort of” because it will always be popular to some degree, but it’s waning as a trend and I’m happy that it is.

Rebuilding from the dystopia is definitely an important aspect of changing the culture. It’s high time we were hopeful.

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Jul 16Liked by Alexander Hellene

One thing I learned during the COVID wake up call is that I don't want to be stuck in enemy territory. I was able to escape in 2022 and my life (and hopefully my children's lives) has improved significantly since then. We can still do things to better our lives, even with the system collapsing around us, and I thank God for that.

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Well said. We moved out of DC back home to the countryside in the nick of time. It’s a deep blue state . . . in the cities. Out here in the more rural areas, life wasn’t disrupted nearly as much.

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Jul 16Liked by Alexander Hellene

I’m there with you. Was very thankful during Covid that I was in the very red state I’ve lived in the last decade as opposed to my home state (a historically very red state that has sadly turned deep blue and been ruined over the last 20 years).

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You’re lucky out-of-staters haven’t ruined it yet!

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Jul 17Liked by Alexander Hellene

It’s funny because where I’m at now, all of the blueys that live here now talk about how much they hate it, and the blueys from surrounding states talk about how they’d never live here. And I’m like “good, gooooooooooooood…”

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That's how my area is.

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Jul 16Liked by Alexander Hellene

I can't speak for all accelerationists but I don't think its about power fantasies where you wind up in charge after the shit hits the fan. I think their point is that right now is the best its ever going to get as far as numbers we can muster in the event of civil war. Based on declining birth rates and maybe even declining fertility thanks to the clot shot, combined with millions of illegal immigrants a year, the number of people we can count on supporting America and freedom declines every day. If we had to win a kinetic war our best chance for success would be right now as our odds on winning will get worse each day that passes. So I don't think its solely about a power trip, as I believe there's at least an argument that can be made based upon facts and logic.

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That makes sense and it’s actually the first time I’ve seen the accelerationist argument articulated this way. Thank you. I still don’t agree with that premise but at least I understand it.

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Jul 17Liked by Alexander Hellene

Yeah, I go back and forth on it. On bad days, I'm all for a shooting war asap to try and save ourselves from the commies but the reality is its impossible to predict what's going to happen in the future so there's no point in going to worse case scenario until we're confident there's no other choice.

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Right. And for risky situations, you want to at least try to gameplan as much as possible before rolling the dice. For a freaking civil war, that’s impossible.

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Jul 16Liked by Alexander Hellene

Thanks for posting another wake-up cal to the accelerationists.

(Btw, ty for the reminder that I need to write a post about how Harambe was not, in fact, the memetic turning point… but he was very close to it.)

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You’re welcome sir. But one question: if Harambe was not the turning point . . . then what was?

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Jul 16Liked by Alexander Hellene

Great post. There is a lot to be thankful for. And it could always be worse. Consider it pure joy when you face trials. God bless.

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Right on!

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As for fictional dystopias, I, having experienced the communist one, wrote my fair share. You can read ch1 of Outlaw Ridar, part of The Blood of Tyrants anthology here:


Those who assume they will be on top after everything crumbles, I would like them to imagine the horrors that their children could suffer:


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Hey thanks Black Knight!

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Old story of mine, Numbers of Society, that I wrote many years ago and recently incorporated into my book series. https://theblackknight.substack.com/p/numbers-of-society?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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I remember one of the old Bulgarian sayings we learned during communism: "That what you do to yourself, no one can." Later, much later, when I began to write, I came to another realization: “One never lets go what one loves, but fights for it to the death.”

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Jul 20Liked by Alexander Hellene

Sometimes people can be both malicious and stupid, and we are stuck with the consequences.

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If you want a good approximation of what such a scenario looks like I would say to remind yourself of CHAZ. It was a horrible disaster and no one should ever want to repeat it. If you do there is something deeply wrong with you.

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I can’t disagree with this assessment. Total lawlessness should never be actively encouraged because it’s horrible.

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Good stuff man. You always manage to strike a balance between positivity that isn't sachrin or insincere with acknowledging the problem but keeping it in perspective. Well done.

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Thank you!

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The best footnotes this side of a Discworld book!

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