I can't help but want to dig into this one, to try and piece together why the three specific people we saw either didn't hear or didn't succumb to the voice of Zetronius trying to force its way into their heads. Thinking over the details of the story, my personal guess is that each of them has something specific that they can set their mind on - icons, symbols of belief, a duty to fulfill, that sort of thing. For Jeremy, it's his Christian faith, represented by the cross that hangs from the rearview mirror in his truck. For Private Balducci, it's the focus on her mission, the genuine importance with which she approaches her duty to protect and rescue as many people as she can. For Tim, it's Orson the inflatable bear, which he only realizes at the end symbolizes the family he was on the verge of abandoning.

No idea if I'm actually right about this or not, but either way, this was a damn good read. Strange, creepy, funny, with well realized characters and solid action. Very well paced, and a great way for me to finish out the work day.

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I appreciate the kind words and the analysis! I’m going to play coy here and not give anything away save to say that I like what you have to say.

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I respect that choice. I'd make the same lol

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