Too Many Lights
“There’s always that thing we’re obsessed about That turns our minds constantly roaming to learn Commanding attention over everything else Restless and longing for knowledge we burn . . .”
There’s always that thing we’re obsessed about That turns our minds constantly roaming to learn Commanding attention over everything else Restless and longing for knowledge we burn For some it’s trains For others it’s cars For me it’s stars When I’ve been out driving too late at night And finally step out into the chilly air What I see when I look up takes my breath A field of beauty I just stand and stare Mars sleeps in the moon’s bright halo I see Sirius’s high and shining stare Mirfak and the Pleiades, Aldebaran The glowing bulk of Jupiter, fiery Altair Castor and Pollux are alive forever And Orion: Hunter, hero, reckoner, lover Rigel, Betelgeuse, Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka And there’s Cassiopeia, Andromeda’s mother Vega hiding, waiting for the summer Along with me, shivering dreaming I wonder what’s up there I see you Capella I see you Algol, head of the demon There’s too many lights everywhere I go No galaxy sprawl like our ancestors knew Back when torches couldn’t burn the night sky (Now they talk about projecting ads up there too) But it’s something that brings me back closer to God I am just a grain of sand There’s more than deadlines and bills And long car trips at night lit by halogen lights
- Alexander
Thank you for reading this poem. If you would like to read some of my fiction, please check out my books on Amazon. You can also throw a few drachmas into the tip jar at Buy Me A Coffee. Thank you, and God bless.
Woooo that's beautiful
When I was in Big Sky Montana, I forgot to look up at night and see the sky. I regret it to this day.