Woooo that's beautiful

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Thank you. I’m always glad when anyone enjoys these poems.

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When I was in Big Sky Montana, I forgot to look up at night and see the sky. I regret it to this day.

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Go back and take a look!

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I'd love to, but I'm on the east coast now and my traveling days are pretty much over.

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Beautiful and I do miss those days of old without all the light pollution. I think it makes us cranky lol. Just saying

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Thanks Judith. I’m glad you enjoyed this poem.

I’ve only seen a crazy night sky twice in my life, once when I was 13 atop Mt. Lafayette in New Hampshire, and another at the Tenney Mountain Ski resort when it was shut down for the summer years ago out with a friend and his dad to check out comet Hale-Bopp with his dad’s telescope. Both were a long, long time ago. I need to do it again stat. Even when I went camping in my 20s, I never saw night skies like that.

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"when torches couldn’t burn the night sky"

Good days.

"I’ve only seen a crazy night sky twice in my life"

Look, some stuff happened, it was a long time ago, why can't you just let it go?


Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year! May none of us ever let or stuff from a long time ago go.

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