Another fantastic post. You have developed a very effective sharpness for properly displaying the image and feelings of the modern man. At a glance, it feels humorous- but then quickly gets depressing.

I lived my 20s entrenched in the kind of snooty nihilism you describe. You've captured it well.

I think the point (maybe accidentally) implied by this post is that people need to understand that their lives have purpose. After that, nihilism is impossible

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All lives do have purpose, and maybe that’s a “lame” way to think based on pop-culture standards, but so what? I, too, engaged in this sort of “whatever” thinking but I eventually grew out of it when I realized it was a dead-end personally, intellectually, and spiritually. At some point you just wanted to feel like a real human being again.

In my case, mid-aughts hipsterism made me realize that the ironic detachment was the inauthentic lose and the supposedly lame, basic normal people they decried were far more authentic.

I don’t think anyone still breathing is truly a nihilist. They just haven’t realized it yet. So there’s still hope.

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